Multiple opportunities for public input were provided throughout the process.
Principal Survey
Early in the FMP process (August 2019), an online survey was sent to all Cupertino USD’s Principals. The survey focused the existing functionality of the facilities and asked for each Principal to provide their top priorities for long-term improvements at their site.
Teacher & Staff Survey
In November 2019, an online survey was distributed to all teachers and staff. Similar to the Principal survey, the questions focused on the existing functionality of the facilities and asked respondents to rate their top priorities for existing spaces that require the greatest amount of improvement as well as their top priorities for new spaces or enhancements.
Student Survey
An online survey was distributed to students in the 4th through 8th grades and focused on the students’ preference for the spaces. Students were also asked what their top three choices would be if changes were made to their school and provided a list of options to select from.
Parent & Community Survey
An online survey was distributed to parents and other community members. This survey was available in English, Japanese, Mandarin, and Spanish. After a few initial questions to get to know the audience and their associated school site, respondents were asked to select their top priorities regarding existing spaces that currently require the greatest amount of improvement, then to select their priorities regarding desired new spaces or enhancements at the school they selected.
Facilities Master Plan Committee Survey
At the final meeting of the FMPC in March 2020, members were presented the results of all other stakeholder groups’ priorities. The FMPC then took part in an online survey aimed at capturing their priorities on school type, school site, scope category, and scope detail.